I want to write technical books

Our books and guides are the references for many end users and professionals that install, deploy, manage, teach and advise on LibreOffice software. It is important for us to keep our manuals updated and precise. Come together and help us to keep our literature sharp and accurate.

When updating guides and books, Authors and technical writers must

  • Download and install the latest LibreOffice stable releas.
  • Situate the context by reading the current guide or book.
  • Be familiarized in the Guide subject and in the LibreOffice software in general. Good knowledge in office suites and other related desktop applications is an excellent start.
  • Be familiarized with LibreOffice resources:
    • Track changes edition,
    • Usage of the several styles families in a text document (paragraph styles, page styles, characters styles, etc...),
  • Follow the changes introduced in the software since the latest edition of the Guide and update to the newest edition:
    • test the features or changes found in the release notes,
    • locate the pertinent chapter and write about the feature,
    • Always keep in mind that the end-user is your reader, and the contents must be directed to help or assist end-users. This also means that features too technical (such as changes in some internal algorithms or coding techniques) can be omitted when they don't affect the way users interact with the application.
  • When adding or changing contents, enable track changes in your document, to ease reviewer job.
  • Update the screenshots (of dialog boxes) and other drawings, to the newest release.

The  documentation forum is the right channel for discussing all issues related to the LibreOffice documentation. It is the place where you can find expertise and advise from other volunteers. Subscribe to join the documentation team.

Spend a little time lurking at the archives and send a mail to the list introducing yourself.

